Hackers ManifestThe hackers manifest by the Mentor. Every hacker should know this
1,755 bytes
Diary of a hackerDuh...
13,226 bytes
Hacker EthicsWhat is A hacker ?
2,777 bytes
Are you a hacker ?See if you fit this description...
784 bytes
How I knew when I was a hackerAnother file on being a hacker
2,585 bytes
A Guide to Internet Security: Becoming an Uebercracker and Becoming an UeberAdmin to stop UebercrackersA joke, not to be taken seriously (unless you want to go to jail, of course...)
4,035 bytes
Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer SystemsFile on hackers by a sysop who's sympathetic to hackers
22,914 bytes
Hacker CrackdownGood book that describes the hacker crackdown of
1991275,654 bytes
Ethics Of A True HackerRecent file written by The Mob Boss about hacking ethics. Nice
2,952 bytes
The Mob Boss's Guide To HackingGuide for beginner hackers on how to start by The Mob Boss. Read this if you're just starting
12,224 bytes
Psychological Profile Of The Troubled Female TeenFunny file on how to hack girls. Read it for a laugh
5,143 bytes
How To Be A HackerFile that explains the hacker mentality. Nice one
11,834 bytes
HumorTeaches you how to be
3133715,613 bytes
Hackers KitExplains UNIX security all round and shows a few basic old bugs. Also has a root kit. This was the file that taught me the basics of hacking UNIX
295,129 bytes
Unix Computer Security ChecklistSecurity holes to look out for when hacking a system
26,429 bytes
Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into itNice (old) paper on common holes
20,827 bytes
Unix : A Hacking TutorialWell written file on the basics of unix
37,944 bytes
Millenium HackingA file written to show people what hacking was like at the end of the 20th century. Basic, but good for beginners
368,329 bytes
Unix for Intermediate UsersNot so much a hacking file, just explains the basics of unix.
71,758 bytes
Crash Course In X Windows SecurityExplains the basics of X Windows security
5,449 bytes
Playing with the Internet DaemonsOld file explaining bugs in daemons, good for beginner hackers to get an idea about what security holes are
6,467 bytes
Secure UNIX programming FAQExplains the basics on how to code safely in UNIX
21,211 bytes
NFS Tracing By Passive Network MonitoringGood read if you're interested in NFS
12,368 bytes
Linux Administrators Security GuideTHE linux security resource (PDF)
273,688 bytes
Securing and Optimising Red Hat LinuxI cannot praise this enough. 475 pages of how to secure your redhat box properly. READ IT!!! (PDF)
2,468,188 bytes
Kernel hacking made easyShort tutorial that provides a nice introduction to kernel system calls
3,796 bytes
Coding with the DNS protocolShort tutorial on coding with DNS8,
740 bytes
Linux Firewalling - Insights and Explainations...Read this and learn a bit about firewalls
5,358 bytes
A Lab engineers check list for writing secure Unix codePaper that explains a few things you can do to code more secure programs in Unix
8,106 bytes
BSD Sockets: A Quick And Dirty PrimerThis is a short tutorial that explains what sockets are, how they work, and gives sample code showing how to use them.
486,960 bytes
A brief programming tutorial in C for raw socketsTeaches the basics of using raw sockets in C, to insert any IP protocol based datagram into the network traffic.
7,309 bytes
How To CrackGood file that teaches the basics of cracking
122,376 bytes
The Ancient Art Of CrackingAnother excellent file on cracking
68,917 bytes
How to write buffer overflowsFile that explains how to write buffer overflows
7,195 bytes
Smashing The Stack For Fun And ProfitExcellent file that explains buffer overflows
15,191 bytes
Exploiting Windows NT 4 Buffer OverrunsBy far the best file I've found that explains buffer overflows in NT
12,629 bytes
Writing buffer overflow exploits - a tutorial for beginnersShort and sweet tutorial
8,916 bytes
Libsafe : Protecting Critical Elements of StacksNice whitepaper that explains buffer overflows and what libsafe does (PDF)
177,423 bytes
Buffer Overrun AttacksExplains what buffer overflows are. Good for beginners (PDF)
387,028 bytes
Advanced buffer overflow exploitShows all the cool sutff you can do once you've found a buffer overflow
9,169 bytes
Compromised - Buffer Overflows, from Intel to SPARC Version 8Talks about what buffer overflows are, why they work and how to approach them. Again, a good file for beginners
19,141 bytes
w00w00 on Heap OverflowsNice and sweet tutorial on heap-based buffer overflows
13,408 bytes
The unofficial netware Hack FAQEverything you wanted to know about netware
41,634 bytes
Introduction to denial of serviceIntro on denial of service attacks
17,459 bytes
Protecting Routing Infrastructures from Denial Of Service Using Cooperative Intrusion DetectionWhitepaper that explains a method to combat DoS attacks. Interesting read (PDF)
118,400 bytes
Safe CGI ProgrammingNice little paper that explains the basics for writing safe CGI code
6,456 bytes
C ProgrammingNice and sweet C tutorial
200,316 bytes
Modern Hackers DeskreferenceReference file with things that every hacker should know. Contians info on WindowsNT security issues, Unix, Linux, Irix, Vax, Router configuration, Frontpage, Wingate and much much more. READ IT
182,301 bytes
Common Insecurities Fail ScrutinyExplains Netbios & Samba bugs and how to exploit them
46,313 bytes
Techniques Adopted By 'System Crackers' When Attempting To Break Into Corporate or Sensitive Private NetworksExplains the basics on how to hack a system from a system administrators point of view (VERY basic)
12,027 bytes
The unofficial Web Hack FAQNice things to do with the web
54,000 bytes
Simple Active Attack Against TCPThis paper describes an active attack against the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) which allows a cracker to redirect the TCP stream through his machine thereby permitting him to bypass the protection offered by such a system as a one-time password [skey] or ticketing authentication [kerberos]
14,302 bytes
Introduction to the Internet ProtocolsThis is an introduction to the Internet networking protocols (TCP/IP). It includes a summary of the facilities available and brief descriptions of the major protocols in the family
30,737 bytes
The Hackers HandbookMay be old, by an excellent read nontheless. Read it to understand the basics and a bit of hacker history
127,015 bytes
Practical Automated Detection Of Stealthy Portscans (PDF)Explains how to detect portscans. Although meant for people trying to protect their systems it explains some of the techniques portscanners use to remain undetected.
151,603 bytes
ICMP Usage In Scanning (PDF)Paper that describes what information can be gained from a target network using ICMP. Well written and DEFINATELY worth a read if you're a beginner.
434,372 bytes
The unofficial NT Hack FAQBasics on NT security
44,622 bytes
WardocThis document is an attempt by the Rhino9 team to document the methodology and techniques used in an attack on A NT based network. The intent of this document is to educate administrators and security professionals of both the mindset of an attacker and A large set of the current NT penetration techniques. This document attempts to follow in the footsteps of the classic text, "How To Improve The Security Of Your Site by Breaking Into It" by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema. Obviously, this text will not contain all known methods for NT network
28,388 bytes
Understanding Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0This documented was not made for people who have been working with Microsoft Proxy Server since its beta (catapult) days. It is made for individuals who are curious about the product and security professionals that are curious as to what Microsoft Proxy Server has to offer. This document is also being written for individuals have a general idea of what a Proxy Server does, but wants to know more. This paper goes into discussion of Proxy Server Features and Architecture, Access Control, Encryption, and Firewall Strategies (which I have been getting a lot of requests for)
10,971 bytes
Analysis of the Security of Windows NTInteresting paper about Windows NT security (PDF)
417,510 bytes
A *REAL* NT Rootkit, patching the NT KernelNice tutorial that explains how to patch NT to do what you want it to do17,304 bytes
:VAX :
Vax Hacking FAQThe only file that I could find that deals singularly with VAXEN. So it'll have to do. Never used A VAX before, so I can't vouch for this file
21,823 bytes
A Practical Exercise in Securing an OpenVMS SystemThis paper deals with securing VMS. As I've never uses OpenVMS I can't vouch for this one either
32,650 bytes
AquaGlossary of Computer Security Acronyms
21,415 bytes
BlueTrusted Product Evaluation Questionnaire
18,197 bytes
BrownGuide to Understanding Trusted Facility Management
29,060 bytes
BurgendyA Guide To Understanding Design Documentation
20,543 bytes
Dark LavenderA Guide To Understanding Trusted Distribution in Trusted Systems
17,502 bytes
GreenDoD Password Management Guideline
18,690 bytes
GreyTRUSIX Rationale for Selecting Access Control List Features For The Unix System
38,835 bytes
LightBlueA Guide To Understanding I & A18,
101 bytes
OrangeDoD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
63,911 bytes
Another OrangeA Guide To Understanding Configuration Management in Trusted Systems
42,462 bytes
PeachA Guide To Writing the Security Features User's Guide for Trusted Systems
16,576 bytes
PinkRating Maintenance Phase Program
26,257 bytes
PurpleGuidelines for Formal Verification Systems
17,667 bytes
RedTrusted Network Interpretation
246,679 bytes
Another RedTrusted Network Interpretation Environments Guideline
37,272 bytes
Venice BlueComputer Security Subsystems
18,251 bytes
YellowGuide For Applying the DoD Trusted Computer SysteM